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On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2017 | Uncategorized |

Your estate plan is one way that you can take care of your loved ones after your death. You must ensure that you have everything in order so that your family members don’t have to fight over your estate or jump through hoops to get everything handled.

You might not realize it, but your estate plan also covers the time before your death if you are unable to make decisions for yourself. A comprehensive estate plan includes a living will and powers of attorney designations that provide your loved ones with the tools they need to make decisions for you. These components of your estate plan cover your finances and medical care.

We realize that you might need to learn more about all of the components of the estate plan. On top of the ones we’ve already discussed, you might also need to create a will or establish trusts to help you meet the goals that you have for your estate.

While they aren’t a part of the actual estate plan that you need to get together, you also have to make sure that financial accounts have payable on death designations that will pass the accounts on to the people who you want to have them.

We can help you look through your assets and determine what options might work to get them distributed. From there, we can get the ball rolling on the process to ensure that you are setting your loved one up for the future so that you can rest assured that you’ve done your part.

Suzanne P. Nicholl
Rated by Super Lawyers

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