In specific situations, some people can become targets of financial abuse because of their age or impairments. The risks can be more apparent for elders who rely on others daily. These individuals can be vulnerable to distinct types of manipulation, such as undue...
Probate Litigation
Contesting wills: 3 common reasons and how to avoid them
As an executor of a will, you want to honor the deceased person's wishes and ensure a smooth estate distribution. However, family members sometimes contest the will, leading to costly and time-consuming legal battles. But why does this happen? And more importantly,...
What to expect in a probate litigation in California
Losing a loved one is a painful and emotional experience, leaving families feeling vulnerable. The last thing anyone wants to think about in this tough time is quarreling with family members over the deceased person's estate. Yet, disputes still arise, making the time...
Administering a will: How much does probate cost in California?
If you’ve worked hard your entire life and accumulated wealth, you most likely want to leave as much of it as possible to the people you love. It’s for this reason that people create wills and trusts. Done right, a solid estate plan can eliminate the guesswork and...
Serving as the executor of your parent’s will
If your mother or father dies with assets left in their name, those assets will likely need to be probated. In the event that you're named as a parent's estate executor, you'll play a key role during the probate process. Your duties will typically include securing...
Reasons why your executor needs a probate bond
If you’re creating your estate plan in California, now’s the time to include an executor probate bond. Executors play a significant role in overseeing your estate, and you want to take steps to avoid mistakes and confusion. Executor probate bonds add an extra layer of...
Can you use alternative dispute resolution for probate issues?
In California, probate disputes can often become very emotional and involve many complexities. As an alternative to going to court, parties to a probate dispute can use alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods to reach an amicable and efficient outcome. The...
Is it worth opening an estate bank account in California?
Executors can open an estate bank account during the probate process in California. However, they need to first start probate and receive confirmation from the court that the will is valid. Executors can't do anything with the estate until a judge gives them documents...
Post-probate procedures in California
Estate administration can be a lengthy and sometimes frustrating process in California. Successfully closing it is often the most satisfying part of the process. You should anticipate the following actions. Closing probate When the court closes probate, the executor...
Downsides of the probate process in California
California residents starting their estate plan have probably come across the term, “probate,” in their research. Many guides will talk about the importance of reducing time in probate court, however, it’s essential to completely understand the probate process. What...