Trusted Guidance Through The California Probate Process
When a loved one dies, his or her assets often go through a complex legal process known as probate. Unfortunately, most people are unfamiliar with the probate process, leading to a great deal of confusion and stress among those who have recently lost a loved one.
Probate is the process of inventorying a decedent’s assets, paying debts and distributing the remaining assets according to the decedent’s wishes. During the probate process, the will must be read and checked for validity. The person’s assets must then be inventoried and assigned value. At the end of the probate process, the deceased person’s assets are distributed in accordance with his or her will.
When a person dies without a will, his or her family must still go through the probate process. This is known as dying intestate, and the distribution of assets is determined by the California laws of intestacy.
Keeping Clients Informed About Probate And Estate Administration
Probate requires a great deal of paperwork. In most cases, you will require a lawyer’s assistance to help you keep the process moving forward. As a San Diego probate court attorney, I have extensive experience helping local residents navigate the probate process. With this experience and a thorough understanding of California’s probate code, I can explain exactly what you need to do to successfully get your loved one’s estate through probate.
Probate is a deadline-driven process — administrators of the estate need to ensure that they complete the paperwork correctly and on time, or the procedure could be delayed. I can help you avoid unnecessary delays. As your attorney, I will be with you every step of the way, keeping in regular contact and giving you clear instructions.
Ready To Guide You Through Probate
To contact the Law Office of Suzanne P. Nicholl, PC please send me an email or call +1-619-894-8552. I offer initial consultations to all clients, as well as evening upon request. My San Diego office provides convenient, free parking.