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On Behalf of | Jun 23, 2017 | Uncategorized |

The probate process is foreign to many people. When your loved one dies and issues about the estate plan creep up, you might be facing a battle. Probate litigation is something that you might not be prepared to handle, but we are here to help you through the process.

There are sometimes questions about what the decedent truly wanted when they were planning the estate. This isn’t always easy to answer because the estate plan isn’t always discussed. If you and your loved one never communicated about the will or other points, you might have to rely only on what the documents say.

When someone challenges a will, you are likely going to be in for a long process. This can also be a costly battle. You might have options available to handle these matters as quickly as possible. We can help you to explore those possibilities.

Another issue that might come up during the process occurs when there are multiple wills or questions about whether another person had influence over the estate plan. These are serious problems that can complicate the process for handling estate matters and these must be handled immediately.

Even if you are only administering a simple estate, you might need to know more about what you have to do. This is a very complex undertaking in some cases, such as when there are bills that have to be paid. We can help you to sort through the affairs so that you can do what needs to be done.

Suzanne P. Nicholl
Rated by Super Lawyers

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